As you can imagine, such a great project does not see the light of day without the help of some very inspiring folks. We would like to thank the following people for their help in launching the Magneto Instruments Line:
- Mrs. Carine Walch for help, admin and web design
- Kei Yatsuzuka for friendship and making it all possible
- Fab Tranzer for musical input, design control, ideas, name inspiration & picture material
- Anna Pennington for the words of wisdom
- Jean François Berger at Music Mag for being the positive kind
- Hervé Wentzinger for turning the numbers
- Nico Marchiel for the visionary video
- Jackson Mackay for music, help & friendship
- Aki Shiokawa for help in translation
- Masuda Minoru for keepin an eye on the evolution
- Wataru Yatsuzuka for help in production
- Satoru Yatsuzuka for being a world class luthier
- Mariana Castillo Eble for keeping the property intellectual
- Michelle "Granny" Meyer, for being the queen of rock'n'roll
- Van Den Morgan for acting naturally
- David Van Moer for providing his team
- Cedric Muller for improvisation
- Sylvain Anjour for groovy moves
- Yann Battman for inspiring communication
- Leo "Boobee" Hatstatt-Walch for keeping us focused
- Tim Hatstatt-Walch for lessons in seduction
- Roland, Buzzy and Chris at Music Mag for being helpful to us as well to all musicians
- Yuan Lei for friendship, help and providing insight in the wonderful & rich asian culture
- You, the fabulous musicians playing your music and being inspired by our Magneto guitars.